

2022年10月13日(星期四)上午2 : 29 收到的邮件


根据 ICANN UDRP 政策规则第 2 条向您出示上述与域名 <googles.ltd> 相关的案件的书面通知。

这是 <1>  <3>的电子邮件。其他电子邮件将包括投诉书和所有附件。该书面通知的打印件将以邮寄和/或传真方式送达。投诉书将不会以打印件方式送达至您。


1. 通知。  兹通知,根据互联网络名称及数码分配公司 (ICANN) 于 1999 年 10 月 24 日通过的《统一域名争议解决政策》(以下简称“政策”),针对您的行政程序已开始 (http://www.icann.org/udrp/udrp-policy-24oct99.htm)。该行政程序涉及您目前注册并使用的域名。该政策参照您的域名注册机构提供的您的注册协议而制定。在注册域名时,您同意,如果第三方(投诉人)向 ICANN 批准的争议解决服务提供商 (http://www.icann.org/udrp/approved-providers.htm) 提交与您注册并使用的域名相关的投诉书,您同意提交并参与强制性行政程序。

2. 适用规则。
2010 年规则:(http://www.icann.org/en/dndr/udrp/uniform-rules.htm)
2010 年补充规则:(http://www.adrforum.com/UDRP)

3. 收到投诉书日期。  投诉书由Google LLC. 提交,美国国家仲裁院(以下简称“仲裁院”)于10/5/2022  收到。 

4. 形式要求符合审查。  根据规则第 4(a) 条和补充规则第 4 条,仲裁院已核实,投诉人符合政策、规则和补充规则的形式要求。要求支付给仲裁院的金额已由投诉人支付。

5. 行政程序开始。  根据规则第 4(c) 条,行政程序正式开始的日期为10/12/2022。根据 UDRP 规则第 3 条和仲裁院补充规则第 4 条,当日投诉书和所有附件均被发送到以下电子邮件地址:

6. 最后期限。  根据规则第 5 条和补充规则所描述的要求,仲裁院必须于开始之日后的 20 天内收到一份答辩和所有证据。您还必须将这些文件呈递给投诉人。您的答辩和证物必须于11/1/2022内被仲裁院收到。如果投诉人选择将争议交由一人行动专家组裁决,而您选择将争议交由三人行动专家组裁决,那么您必须承担三人行动专家组的费用,该费用应在提交答辩时一并交付。

7. 缺席。  如果在上述日期内未收到您的答辩书和/或所需支付金额,您将被认为缺席。我们仍将指派专家组来审查争议事实并做出裁决。行动专家组可不考虑迟交的答辩,但是可自行裁决是否考虑,并且根据规则第 14 条,如果专家组认为合适可从您的缺席中得出此类推论。缺席还有其他后果,包括我们没有义务考虑您指定的任何行动专家组或遵守您对与案件相关文件有关的任何要求。

8. 送达。  您的答辩必须根据规则第 5(b) 条和补充条款第 5 条送达我们。在您提交答辩后将所有案件相关的归档或提交至仲裁院必须根据补充规则第 7 条进行。在答辩中,您必须指明选定接收案件相关信函的邮件地址并且,如适用,您的争议解决授权代表,否则我们将自行选择您的联系方式。


9. 费用。  三人行动专家组的所需费用必须与您的答辩一并交付。有关费用的支付方法和其他相关细节可参阅补充规则的第 6、7 和 16 条。

10. 行政程序。  如果该案件由一人行动专家组裁决,我们将在收到您的答辩或应收到您的答辩之日起的五 (5) 个历日内指定一个行动专家组。如果案件由三人行动专家组裁决,我们将向您和投诉人发送一份有五 (5) 个首席专家候选人的名单。当事人双方均有机会从该名单中选出两名候选人。我们将指定首席专家并考虑您和投诉人选定的候选人。 

行动专家组在指定之日后的 14 天内做出裁决。在正常情况下,我们会在收到行动专家组的裁决后三个历日内将该裁决发送给您、投诉人、相关注册机构和 ICANN。根据政策第 4(k) 条,如果注册机构未收到您的通知和所需文件,注册机构将把执行裁决的日期通知所有相关各方。我们将把该裁决发布到可公开访问的网站上,除非行动专家组指示我们不要发布。

11. 案件协调官。  仲裁院已指定一位案件协调官来负责管理您的案件。请注意,虽然案件协调官可以回答有关档案要求之类的问题,并可帮助您了解政策、规则和补充规则,但是协调官不可向您提供任何法律建议或为您做任何代表。

电子邮件地址:*******@adrforum.com (选定)
其他电子邮件地址: domaindis*******@adrforum.com

普通邮寄地址: 联邦快递邮寄地址:
P.O. Box 50191 6465 *********************
电话: (800) *******
传真号码: (612) *******

12. 其他信息。  有关 ICANN 管理步骤的其他信息,请登录 http://www.icann.org,有关美国国家仲裁院的其他信息,请登录http://www.adrforum.com/domains。在线答辩归档可登陆 https://secure.arb-forum.com/domains/response/response1.asp?Ruleset=UDRP


hello FA221000***** Domain name problem, I already know On this issue.Trouble for Google Inc.Say sorry.This question is used by my friends and me, because Google is inaccessible on our side., so in order to rememberAnd set up a mirror station., which is convenient for users in Chinese mainland.In most cases, it is illegal to use Google on vpn in Chinese mainland.The mirror station is convenient, but it is not easy to violate Chinese mainland laws and regulations.if you can, I can transfer the domain name to within 10 days China Google Co., Ltd. Do you think so?We can’t mail the COVID-19 epidemic here either. 


Dear Respondent,

I’ve added your correspondence to the file.  If you wish to transfer the domain name, the parties may jointly request a Stay of the matter.  You must discuss with Complainant directly (Complainant is copied on this email) as FORUM is a neutral third party in this process and unable to act on either party’s behalf.  A Stay would pause this matter and allow the parties time to negotiate a settlement if so desired.  Please refer to FORUM Supp. Rule 6(b). http://www.adrforum.com/domain-dispute

Please let me know if you have further questions.



Then I still hope the two sides can reconcile. So how should I transfer the domain name to Google Co., Ltd. for free? After all, I made a mistake first .

It is still difficult for me to transfer the domain name to Googles.ltd  to Google Cloud

., because I don’t have a credit card, so if I want to transfer it, I still suggest to push the domain name in 0 yuan under my registrar.And promise not to register the relevant domain name. Do you think this is ok? Sorry.

A Yao

UTC+ 8 October 14(th), 2022 twenty to two


Dear A Yao,

We represent Google LLC in this matter. We have reviewed your emails concerning the UDRP filed against you in connection with the googles.ltd domain name. Google would like to settle this matter if possible. To that end, we must first suspend the UDRP proceeding. To do that, please provide us with a signed copy of the attached “Stay Request” form. We will follow up with further instructions once we receive that from you.


**** | Perkins Coie LLP


Hi Q,

We have communicated with the Respondent in this matter regarding possible settlement, and attach a signed Stay Request.  Please suspend the proceeding as requested.  We will be back in touch once we’ve completed settlement discussions.


** | Perkins Coie LLP



The signature has been completed.


Thank you for returning the signed form.  We have submitted it to the ADR Forum, who will suspend the proceeding for 45 days to allow us to complete a settlement discussion.  We are preparing a settlement agreement that we will share with you shortly.  You can communicate with me directly going forward (no need to copy Jeanna or the other email addresses below) and I will communicate with the ADR Forum once we have finalized our settlement.


* | Perkins Coie LLP


The parties to this dispute have mutually agreed to enter into a Stay of Arbitration and may be attempting to achieve a settlement in the matter. The domain name(s) is/are to remain locked until further notice. If the Parties agree to Settle the dispute they will be required to submit a Settlement Notice to us.  Under the new UDRP Rules (eff. July 31, 2015), the Forum is required to notify you directly of any actions you need to take as a result of the Settlement.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Jeanna A.
Domain Dispute Case Coordinator


Hi A Yao,

As we previously discussed, per the attached, the UDRP proceeding is currently suspended and we are finalizing a settlement agreement which we will share with you shortly, after which time we will coordinate the transfer of the domain as between the ADR Forum and the registrar.  There is no need to correspond with the ADR Forum or the registrar at this time, and we will be back in touch soon with the agreement and further information regarding next steps.


* | Perkins Coie LLP




About FA221000***** Domain Name Arbitration

When will it be solved?

The domain name registrar on my side suddenly changed it today The price of the .LTD domain name has risen five times. domain will be transferred to Google LLC as soon as possible ,

图片[1]-关于停止对于gmirror的支持-鹰瑶の Blog

When the transfer ban is cancelled, I can quickly transfer the applied domain name and send the domain name transfer code to Google LLC, and the domain name transfer can be completed within one hour

If it is transferred later, it may need to be renewed for one year

Can we solve this problem as soon as possible? If the domain name cannot be transferred normally due to the expiration time, it can only be said that I hope Google can register a Tencent cloud account in China to transfer the domain name. If the price increases so much, but the domain name cannot be transferred because it is about to expire, the transfer after renewal is also a big expense for me

So I hope to solve the problem before October 22, OK

A Yao

UTC+8  22:30, October 18, 2022


Hi A Yao,

As we previously discussed, per the attached, the UDRP proceeding is currently suspended and we are finalizing a settlement agreement which we will share with you shortly, after which time we will coordinate the transfer of the domain as between the ADR Forum and the registrar.  There is no need to correspond with the ADR Forum or the registrar at this time, and we will be back in touch soon with the agreement and further information regarding next steps.



Hi A Yao,

As discussed, we prepared the attached settlement agreement in this matter.  Please provide us with a signed copy.  We will then have our client sign and provide you with a final signed copy for your records.  Once completed, we will inform the ADR Forum of our settlement and coordinate the transfer of the domain with the registrar directly.


Griffin Barnett | Perkins Coie LLP

No similar documents have been signed, and the process may not be clear., If there is a problem with the document signature, please tell me. Thank you

Because it’s not convenient for me here, I converted PDF to Word.There may be confusion in format.I’ll send one copy of Word and one copy of PDF.


October 22(nd), 2022

4:48 am UTC+8


Hi A Yao,

Thank you for providing the signed agreement.  We have sent it to Google to sign.  Once we receive it back from them, we will provide you with a fully signed copy and then coordinate the transfer of the domain name with the ADR Forum and registrar.  Then, once the domain has been transferred, we will withdraw the UDRP proceeding.



Hi A Yao,

Attached is a fully signed copy of the settlement agreement for your records.  We will now send an update to the ADR Forum regarding our settlement, and from there will coordinate with the registrar of the domain name to complete the transfer. You do not need to take any further action at this time.


Hi Q,

The parties in this matter have reached a settlement.  A Notice of Settlement form is attached.  Please instruct the registrar accordingly to coordinate the transfer of the <googles.ltd> domain name.



Dear Registrar-

Please note, with regards to the above referenced matter, the parties have requested the following:

Transfer the domain name <googles.ltd> to Google LLC or any entity identified by Google LLC or its authorized representative.

Domain Name: <googles.ltd>

For your convenience, I have also attached a copy of the Complaint wherein you will find contact information for both Complainant and Complainant’s authorized representative.

Please confirm when this action is complete.

Complainant is requested to also notify us when the transfer has taken place, and submit a “Notice of Settlement Implementation” or “Withdrawal” form which can be found on our website using the following link:  http://www.adrforum.com/UDRP.


自此问题全部解决 附件设计保密协议!就不发了


其中Q是 美国仲裁院已指定一位案件协调官来负责管理您的案件

其中M是 博钦律师事务所


2022年10月13日(星期四)上午2 : 29

图片[2]-关于停止对于gmirror的支持-鹰瑶の Blog

2022年10月25日(星期四)下午5 : 20

图片[3]-关于停止对于gmirror的支持-鹰瑶の Blog


关于附件中提起腾讯涨价的确如此 不过后来价格该回去了

注册域名要小心一点 我要是没有镜像google说不定google就会买走


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